Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Friendship Stone

Are you familiar with Gaspeite?  That stunning, apple green mineral that is sure to catch your eye?  It's an amazing looking stone that is becoming increasingly rare and collectible.  

First and foremost, Gaspeite is known for its incredible apple green color.  The stone has only been found in two parts of the world....Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, Canada and Western Australia. And what makes this stone so valuable and collectible now, is that the mines in these areas have been played out and depleted.  So unless a new deposit of Gaspeite is found somewhere on our beautiful planet, there is no more new Gaspeite available....making this mineral a wonderful collectors item.

Another bonus of this stone? It is known as the friendship stone, for the fact that this beautiful green gem brings people together.  Now how can that be a bad thing? 

Happy Venturing....

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Easier Said Than Done.....

I was having coffee with a girlfriend the other day and she mentioned an article she'd read. In the article, it stated that only 13% of all people make their living doing what they love.  That number was shocking to me....shockingly low.

I am a total proponent of doing what you love when it comes to your career. That being said, it is a lot harder than social media would like to portray it.  You've seen it....according to Instagram, if you want to travel the world, all you need to do is get a cool, tricked out van and the rest is Mai Tai's and exotic locations!  Unfortunately, it doesn't really work that way.

Doing what you love as a career takes gumption, determination, belief, strength and perseverance.  It is hard....TOOOOTALLY  worth it, but hard.

So if you are reading this and are one of those people braving the unknown path of pursuing a career in something you love, don't give up.  You will get there, but you can't give up or let up!  It is a rise at dawn, never ending pursuit of happiness that will leave you inspired, fulfilled (frustrated at times) and challenged in a way you could never imagine or hope for.

Happy pursuing....