Thursday, June 20, 2019

When FEAR shows up at your party!?!

I listened to a great podcast the other day.  A successful businessman was discussing how he deals with Fear.  Because here's the truth, we all have fear and it's how we deal with it that defines our path in life.

This particular gentleman explained that he deals with it almost as if Fear is a person.  He acknowledges that Fear is there, he agrees that some of Fear's concerns are valid and then he says "thank you" and moves on. I thought this was clever, smart and totally useful.

Your "party" is your dreams and goals.  It's the vision you have for your life and your future. And if FEAR shows up at your party, don't panic. I
nvite him in, offer him some hors d'oeuvres, get him a cocktail, maybe introduce him to some of your friends (hee!  hee!), and then politely let him know you have to go, as you are really busy building an amazing life and achieving all your goals. Let's face it, you've got better things to do with your time!
h your time! :)

Happy Venturing....

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